Dazzling Devin

What lifes like when your…dazzling!

Poppies, Pikes, and Pedestals July 23, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Devin @ 4:24 pm

Travel CaseAbove (^^^) is my Vera Bradley Travel Case. I tried to take a picture of it and load it to polyvore…but it wouldn’t let me!!! So then I spent like 30 minutes on Google searching for the thang and then it wouldn’t upload!!!!!!!! GRRRRR. Now, I am being forced to load it onto my WordPress Blah-g for the whole world to see, just because Polyvore won’t clip from Kaboodle. Enjoy!

I know, I’ve been saying “I’ll update this post l8r”, but I haven’t. Today, I really am going to post later. After cheer practice to be specific. I’ll talk to you later! (Peace&Luv)